Home National Kishmala Talat: 1st Pakistani Woman Shooter Aims to Make History at Paris 2024 Olympics

Kishmala Talat: 1st Pakistani Woman Shooter Aims to Make History at Paris 2024 Olympics

Breaking Barriers and Aiming for Gold: Kishmala Talat's Quest to Rewrite Pakistan's Olympic Legacy

by Muhammad Arham
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Jhelum, Pakistan (AFP) – In a bid to rewrite Pakistan’s Olympic history, Kishmala Talat, hailing from Rawalpindi, is gearing up to become the first woman from Pakistan to clinch an Olympic medal. Competing in both the 10m air pistol and 25m pistol events at the Paris 2024 Olympics starting July 26, Talat aims to shatter stereotypes and secure glory for her nation.

Despite facing cultural barriers and modesty codes that discourage women from sports, the 21-year-old marks a milestone as the first Pakistani woman to qualify for Olympic shooting. “In Pakistan, there’s a prevalent taboo that dictates girls should stay at home, do girly things, and play with dolls, while boys are to play with guns,” Talat revealed, challenging societal norms.

Talat, whose training regimen includes 10-hour days honing her skills, has already secured several national and international medals, including Pakistan’s inaugural shooting medal at the Asian Games. Her journey to the Olympics has been supported by Pakistan’s military, where she trains rigorously under military officers and a foreign coach in Jhelum, known as the “City of Martyrs.”

With just days until her Olympic debut, Talat remains focused on her goal, determined to bring recognition to her country on the global stage of sports. As she prepares to compete against the world’s best, Talat embodies resilience and ambition, driven by a desire to inspire future generations of Pakistani women.

Stay tuned as Kishmala Talat sets her sights on Olympic gold, aiming to leave a lasting legacy in Pakistan’s sporting history.

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