Home National RETC Releases Comprehensive Report on Solar Module Performance

RETC Releases Comprehensive Report on Solar Module Performance

RETC Report Highlights Top Solar Module Manufacturers for Reliability and Performance

by Muhammad Arham
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In a landmark study aimed at evaluating the resilience and performance of solar modules, the Renewable Energy Testing Center (RETC) has subjected various solar technologies to rigorous accelerated stress tests. These tests, designed to simulate real-world conditions, encompassed a wide array of factors crucial to module durability and efficiency.

Key tests included assessments of backsheet ultraviolet durability, damp heat exposure, hail resistance, potential induced degradation (PID), mechanical load tolerance, thermal cycling, ultraviolet induced degradation (UVID), module efficiency, incidence angle modifier, LeTID resistance, LID resistance, and temperature coefficient.

Top Performers Recognized

Following meticulous evaluation across multiple testing categories, RETC identified nine manufacturers as the overall highest achievers. Astronergy, ES Foundry, Gstar, JA Solar, Longi Solar, Runergy, SolarSpace, Trina Solar, and Yingli Solar emerged as leaders, demonstrating exceptional reliability and efficiency across the board.

These companies showcased robust performance in critical reliability tests, making their products particularly suitable for solar projects demanding longevity and high energy output.

Reliability Champions

In the realm of reliability, JA Solar, Longi Solar, and SolarSpace excelled in backsheet ultraviolet durability. Meanwhile, Astronergy, ES Foundry, Longi Solar, Runergy, and Trina Solar demonstrated impressive resilience in damp heat tests. Notably, JA Solar and Longi Solar also exhibited superior resistance to hail impact, a significant consideration in regions prone to severe weather.

Performance Leaders

On the performance front, Astronergy, Mission Solar, Qcells, REC Solar, and Silfab Solar distinguished themselves with their exceptional module conversion efficiency. Additionally, several manufacturers excelled in incidence angle modifier tests, crucial for maintaining high output under varying sun angles.

Implications for the Solar Industry

RETC’s comprehensive report serves as a critical resource for solar industry stakeholders, including project developers and investors. By highlighting top performers in reliability and efficiency, the report facilitates informed decision-making and promotes the adoption of high-quality, resilient solar technology.

The findings underscore the importance of rigorous testing in ensuring the durability and performance of solar modules, crucial for maximizing energy production over their operational lifespan.

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